Delete Channels On Slack

Slack is the preferred solution for team collaboration for most teams worldwide. The sheer quantity of functions the platform provides is the cause. Every Slack account comes with a useful feature called Slackbot, a built-in digital assistant that waits in Slack for commands to help you discover or create what you need.

Without any programming experience, you can create your customised Slackbots for features like auto-replies, notifications, and slash commands. Of course, the built-in Slackbot already has features you can take advantage of without building anything.

One such feature is reminders. With the help of Slackbot, you can stay on top of your tasks without having to check a calendar. Using Slackbot in such a way can help to remind you of events, meetings, and deadlines during your workweek. To make this even more appealing, it’s a pretty simple feature to use.

Let me walk you through creating reminders on Slack with Slackbot.

Set a reminder

To help you remember to complete chores, set reminders in Slack. To establish reminders for yourself, someone else, or an entire channel, use the attachments and shortcuts menu. You can set reminders for messages that you want to return to later.

We advise choosing the American English date and time format. Be sure to take account of the time zones of those in different locations when setting reminders.

For Desktop

  1. In the message field, click the + sign.
  2. Look for and choose /remind in the menu.
  3. Enter your reminder information in the message field using the format: /remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when].
  4. To set the reminder, send a message. Slackbot will post a message to your chosen channel or send the recipient a DM with the reminder details.

For Mobile

  1. Tap the message field from a channel or DM.
  2. Enter the information for your reminder using the format: /remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when] in the message field.
  3. To set the reminder, send your message. With the reminder information, Slackbot will DM the person or post a message to your chosen channel.

Remind yourself about a message

For Desktop

  1. Tap on a message.
  2. In the message’s upper-right corner, click the three dots icon.
  3. Hover over. Please keep this in mind.
  4. Pick a timeline from the drop-down menu or click Custom to provide your own.

For Mobile

  1. Tap the message and hold it.
  2. Click Remind Me.
  3. Pick a timeline from the drop-down menu or click Custom to provide your own.

Set your default reminder time

Any reminders for a certain day (such as “tomorrow” or “every Tuesday”) will, by default, be sent at 9 a.m. in your local time. You can change this if you’d like:

  1. Click on your profile photo in the top right corner of your desktop.
  2. Your notification options can be accessed by choosing Preferences from the menu.
  3. Select a choice from the drop-down menu under Set a default time for reminder notifications by clicking it.

View a list of reminders

To view a list of your upcoming, previous, and incomplete reminders, enter /the reminder list in the message area and send the message. Type /remind list in the message field and send the message in that channel to display and manage reminders for that channel.

Dismiss reminders

You can mark a reminder as complete, delete it, or sleep it for 20, 60, or even a whole day from your reminder list or via a message from Slackbot.

About scheduled reminders for teams

Reminders that are scheduled assist teams in concentrating on the review requests that are most critical and need their attention. A message with all open pull requests that you or your team have been asked to examine will be sent to your team in Slack at the time determined by the scheduled reminders for pull requests.

For instance, you could set up a recurring reminder to send a message to your team’s primary Slack channel every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. with a list of all open pull requests the team needs to review.

Reminders can be set up for any pull requests a team has been asked to review by team maintainers and organisation owners. A Slack workspace needs to be authorised by an organisation owner before you can plan a reminder for your team.

Creating a scheduled reminder for a team using GitHub

  1. Click Your organisations after clicking your profile picture in the top right corner.
  2. The name of your company should be clicked.
  3. Click Teams under your organisation’s name.
  4. Click the team’s name under the Teams tab.
  5. Click Settings at the top of the team page.
  6. Click Scheduled reminders in the sidebar’s “Integrations” section.
  7. Click Add your first reminder under “Scheduled reminders.”
  8. Click Authorize Slack workspace under “Slack workspace” and then adhere to the directions.
  9. Enter the name of the Slack channel where you want to receive notifications under “Slack channel.”
  10. To choose one or more days you want to receive scheduled reminders, click Weekdays under “Days.”
  11. To choose one or more times you’d like to receive scheduled reminders, click 9:00 AM under “Select Time(s)”. You can click the time zone next to your current one and choose a different one to change your time zone.
  12. Select the repositories you want the team to get pull request review reminders under “Tracked repositories.”
    Click All repositories to set up reminders for every repository that the selected team may access.
    Pick one or more repositories that the selected team can access by clicking Only select repositories and then choosing the ones you want to receive reminders for.
  13. Select Ignore drafts to omit draft pull requests from scheduled reminders. Please refer to “Draft pull requests” for more details.
  14. Select Require review requests if you want only to include pull requests where a review has been expressly requested from the team or a team member. If you don’t choose this option, the scheduled reminder includes all pull requests.
  15. Select Remind authors after reviews and specify the minimum number of reviews necessary before a reminder is issued to send reminders to the pull request authors after the review requests have been satisfied.
  16. Select Ignore approved pull requests to omit reminders for pull requests that have already been examined and accepted. Then, select the number of approvals a pull request needs to be ignored by clicking the Ignore with one or more approvals button.
  17. Enter the age of a pull request in hours under “Minimum age.” Reminders that are scheduled won’t include pull requests that are more recent than this threshold.
  18. Enter the number of hours since a pull request’s last activity under “Minimum staleness.” Pull requests with more recent activity will not be included in scheduled reminders.
  19. Enter a list of terms that might exist in pull request titles under “Ignored terms,” separated by commas. Any pull requests with one or more of these phrases in their titles will not be included in the scheduled reminders.
  20. Type a list of labels separated by commas under “Ignored labels.” Any pull requests with one or more of these labels will not be included in the scheduled reminders.
  21. Type a list of labels, separated by commas, under “Required labels.” Pull requests with one or more of these labels will only be included in scheduled reminders if they haven’t already been ignored.
  22. Click the Reminder button.


And that’s all there is to set up reminders using Slackbot and Slack-using pals. With this handy feature, you can keep up-to-date without depending on another application or service.


How does slack reminder work?

By inserting words like “every day,” “every Monday,” “every weekday,” or even “every two weeks,” you may create repeating reminders. You’ll receive a Slackbot message informing you when a reminder is set. And to view the complete list of your reminders, just type /remind list whenever you need to edit or check them.

How do I manage reminders in slack?

By adding words like “every day,” “every Monday,” “every weekday,” or even “every two weeks,” you may create repeating reminders. You’ll receive a Slackbot message informing you when a reminder has been set. And to view the complete list of your reminders, just type /remind list whenever you need to manage or check them.

Does Slack have a scheduling function?

You may organise meetings and invite coworkers without leaving your desk by integrating calendar software with Slack. You can view time slots on the calendar app, and it will also suggest the ideal time for your event.